Now accepting new patients!
Want to improve patient outcomes?
Consider adding a Registered Dietitian (RD) to your care team. An RD is uniquely qualified to provide medical nutrition therapy to promote optimal nutrition and wellness.
Referring a patient for nutrition counseling is easy!
Please download the referral form and fax to 808-215-8794.
- Providing virtual services only at this time via HIPAA compliant telehealth platform.
- Your patient will be contacted within 3 business days to schedule.
- At this time Ke'alohi is an in network provider with HMSA, and UHA Health Insurance.
- If your patient is insured by a different insurance company, Ke'alohi can provide an itemized superbill they can submit to their insurance for possible reimbursement.
- Individuals needing nutrition support for an eating disorder will require referral from both PCP and Therapy for visits.
- Please see referral forms below.
What is medical nutrition therapy?
MNT is a nutrition based treatment provided by a Registered Dietitian.
As an anti-diet dietitian, Ke'alohi will also work ensure clients have a positive relationship with food prior to starting any interventions. She has learned from her experience that sustainable habits are difficult to maintain without this foundational step.
She will not prescribe a restrictive or fad diet, and instead collaborate with your patient to make a nutrition plan that is individualized for their health, food preferences, culture, and circumstances (access, housing, resources, etc.)